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Selected Speeches by Abraham Lincoln
The source of this small sample of speeches is The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Basler. Introductions to individual documents are by Abraham Lincoln Online. Documents housed on other Web sites are noted as such.Lyceum Address, 1838
An early speech which reveals Lincoln's attitude toward government.Temperance Address, 1842
Lincoln angers his listeners by advocating persuasion and reason.Eulogy on Henry Clay, 1852
Lincoln praises his "beau ideal of a statesman" on his death.House Divided Speech, 1858
The landmark speech which kicked off Lincoln's campaign for the U.S. Senate.Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 1858
Visit the Claremont Institute Web site library page for all seven debates.Second Lecture on Discoveries and Inventions, 1859
Lincoln the patent holder goes on the lecture circuit.Address before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, 1859
Lincoln goes to the fair, slipping in a word for free labor and education.Cooper Union Address, 1860
The brilliant effort expressing the intentions of the signers of the Constitution.Farewell Address, 1861
A touching good-bye message to his hometown friends.Addresses to the New Jersey Senate/General Assembly, 1861
Impromptu messages delivered on Lincoln's inaugural journey.Address in Independence Hall, 1861
An inaugural journey speech which refers to the Declaration of Independence.First Inaugural Address, 1861
Lincoln pleads with his "dissatisfied fellow countrymen" to avoid war.Response to a Serenade, 1863
Impromptu remarks which resembled Lincoln's later effort at Gettysburg.The Gettysburg Address, 1863
The classic speech demonstrating mastery of thought and expression.Speeches to Ohio Regiments, 1864
Words of thanks to soldiers returning from the war.Second Inaugural Address, 1865
Reveals Lincoln's deep political and theological understanding.Last Public Address, 1865
The speech which prompted John Wilkes Booth to murder.
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