Abraham Lincoln Online Speeches and Writings
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Signature of Abraham Lincoln

Selected Writings of Abraham Lincoln

The source of this small sample is The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Basler and others. Introductions to individual documents are by Abraham Lincoln Online. Documents housed on other Web sites are noted as such.

First Political Announcement, 1832
Lincoln stresses navigation and education in this first bid for office.

Poems by Lincoln, 1846
Lincoln recalls his Indiana boyhood home and a bear hunt.

Notes for a Law Lecture, 1850
Lincoln offers practical advice for aspiring lawyers.

Autobiographies of 1858-60
Lincoln describes his pre-presidential life in three different ways.

Meditation on the Divine Will, 1862
A private memorandum about God's sovereignty discovered by one of Lincoln's secretaries.

Concluding Remarks/Annual Message to Congress, 1862
Source of the "last best hope of earth" and other famous quotations.

Emancipation Proclamation, 1863
Lincoln prepared this document many months previous to its signing.

Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day, 1863
Lincoln calls on his countrymen to repent for forgetting God.

Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1863
The document which set the precedent for today's national holiday.

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